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Centre for Process Integration

Technical support

The Centre for Process Integration (CPI) provides comprehensive documentation covering functionality of the various software packages and their related tools.

Online enhancements guides

Knowledge base guides

Software updates

The latest releases along with details of enhancements and changes of all our software are available to download for customers who have a valid licence. From time to time we may also make other software updates available. You should always check you have the latest release before reporting a suspected problem.


Even though the software has an easy to use interface with on-line help systems, in a specialist field like process integration some user training will often be necessary. This training might be necessary to provide background in a particular aspect of the technology or to provide guidance to bring the user up to speed as quickly as possible in the use of the software.

CPI provides workshops in the use of the software to fulfil these requirements. The workshops are typically of one-day duration in each subject and provide hands-on training. The workshops are held at different times of the year and different geographical locations around the world.

To avoid the problems of travel and absence from the office for training, the workshops are being made available as distance learning packages that can be accessed from anywhere in the world at any time. Details of the courses available can be obtained from the PIRC training catalogue (3/10/2024) (Note: this material is only available member of the Process Integration Research Consortium (PIRC) )